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Instructional Videos

Demonstration and instructional videos for Phono-Graphix from Erin Duncan and Carmen McGuinness about the science of learning and working with challenging students. Please check back regularly for new additions.

Multi-syllable Level Review

(Oct 18, 2018 - 86 minutes)

Phono-Graphix Concepts Video 5: Teaching phoneme manipulation and the concept of overlap.

(Aug 11, 2015 - 15 minutes)

Phono-Graphix Concepts Video 4: Teaching the concept of variation, and encounters with overlap

(Mar 20, 2015 - 23 minutes)

Phono-Graphix Concepts Video 3: Teaching the concept that some sound pictures have more than one letter

(Feb 3, 2015 - 8 minutes)

Phono-Graphix Concepts Video 2: Teaching Blending

(Dec 23, 2014 - 6 minutes)

Neurobiology of Learning - with Carmen McGuinness

(Dec 21, 2014 - 40 minutes)

Composition with a 7 year old girl with Downs Syndrome - with Carmen McGuinness

(Dec 16, 2014 - 5 minutes)

Putting Classroom Behavior to Work with Carmen McGuinness

(Dec 2, 2014 - 48 minutes)

Best diet for learning disabilities and special needs - with Carmen McGuinness

(Aug 4, 2013 - 71 minutes)

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